Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Earl Grey Ice Cream

  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 3 bags of Earl Grey tea, cut open (or about 1 tbsp loose)
Scald the heavy cream on the stove, then add the loose tea. Turn heat to low and let tea steep for about 3 minutes. The cream should turn dark and smell pungently of Earl Grey.
Stir in all the sugar until it dissolves. This shouldn't take long.
Place in fridge for 30 minutes.
Put in the ice cream maker. Make ice cream as you normally would. Eat.

Thoughts: Delicious, though it has a weird, unidentifiable, slightly bitter aftertaste. Not enough to prevent me from eating it all the time, but it's noticeable. Dan doesn't agree that it's bitter. Well. The ice cream works really well as an addition to Earl Grey tea, BELIEVE IT OR NOT. And it doesn't dilute the flavor! Awesome. Also, homemade ice cream just has just a great, soft consistency. It doesn't develop a lot of ice crystals the way store-bought ice creams do. So that's a plus.

Disaster Index: 1.5/10

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