Sunday, February 8, 2009


aka Egg Lemon Soup.

  • 4c chickens stock (or veg)
  • 1/3c rice or 1c pasta
  • 3 egg yolks, beaten
  • ~2tbsp lemon juice
  • 2tbsp chopped parsley (dried works)
  • pepper, to taste

Cook the pasta in the chicken stock, adding extra water as it boils off. Aim to have a little less than 4c when the pasta/rice is done. Add the lemon to the egg yolks and whisk. When the pasta is done, take it off the heat. Temper the eggs by adding a ladle-full of soup stock to the eggs, whisking constantly. Then add the eggs to the soup, again whisking constantly. Stir in the parsley and pepper and serve.

Thoughts: This is a really easy soup with a lemony, creamy taste. It's really great. The tricky part is adding the egg - it's supposed to thicken the soup without cooking all the way. So don't put it back on the heat after you add the egg. We use really little pasta - orzo is probably best. Though you could make it just as well with extra long grain white rice. It occurred to me while this was boiling away that the amount of salt in the stock probably lowered the boiling point of the water, so the pasta took a long time to cook. If you're working with bullion (as we were), you might consider cooking the pasta FIRST and then adding the bullion. Next time I think we'll do it that way.

This recipe is kind of a go-to for us; I don't know why we didn't blog it before.

Disaster Index: 1/10

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