Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thousand Island Dressing

Oh my God we're SO BEHIND but this recipe is easy to blog so I'm doing it. We'll get to the other stuff eventually.

  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/3 cup ketchup
  • 3 tbsp dill pickle juice (we used the brine from our home-made pickles because it's BETTER THAN STORE-BOUGHT YEAH)
  • 1 hard-boiled, pickled egg, chopped (other recipes just call for a normal hard-boiled egg, but guess what? We had jalapeno pickled eggs in our fridge because we're awesome like that. If you don't have a pickled egg of your own, a normal one will do)
  • 1/2 tsp white onion powder (but 1 tbsp finely grated onion would also work. We just didn't have any)
  • 1/2 tsp freshly-ground black pepper
Mix everything together and refrigerate it. Put it on your reubens.

Thoughts: Easy and good. We might add more spices to it next time. I don't know -- like cumin? Or dried dill? Some recipes call for green olives, which would be AWESOME. We might also chop up some pickles and put them in. The texture of ours was a little thin. How do you thicken it? Hm. Maybe if we substitute chopped pickles for the pickle juice, this would solve our problem. WE'LL REPORT BACK.

Disaster Index: 1/10

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