Friday, December 18, 2009

Horchata de Arroz

Despite being white and murky, horchata has no milk. It is pronounced as "or-chat-ta" or "hor-cha-ta" if you want this marriage to work.


  • 1c white rice
  • 1.5c water
  • yet another 1.5c water
  • 1/4tsp cinnamon
  • like, 3tbsp sugar
  • a little bit of vanilla

Put the rice and 1.5c water in a blender with the cinnamon. Put the blender in the refrigerator. For maybe 12 hours. Nobody said this would a quick recipe.

Th next morning, blend the liquid until smooth, 2-3 minutes. Strain it through a cheesecloth. Add the sugar and vanilla and the remaining water. Enjoy.

Thoughts: This nigh impossible to strain at the end. I don't know how best to deal with that. I recommend decanting it a couple times and THEN straining it. It was a mess. Anyway, it was a LITTLE watery for me - I assume it's not traditional, but I wonder if it would be good with milk instead of water, at least at the end. The flavor was pretty good, though, aside from the wateriness. If I made it again, I would blend it for longer, probably before I even chill it. I might use milk, too. And more cinnamon. Some recipes use almonds, too, which might be good (even better: use almond milk?). Anyway, if you don't like it you can just use it to make oatmeal, and it works pretty well.

Disaster Index: 3/10

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